Support the WAH Center
Philanthropist – $5000 and above
Benefactor – $2500–4999
Patron – $1000–2499
Sponsor – $500–999
Associate – $250–499
Friend – $100–249
Contributor – $10–99
Demonstrate your company’s commitment to the arts and become a Corporate Member of The WAH Center (The Williamsburg At & Historical Center). Corporate contributions are critical to The WAH Center’s ability to present its world-class exhibitions and acclaimed public programs. In return for your generous support, enjoy the many advantages that accompany Corporate Membership. Benefits of Corporate Membership include free employee admission, entertaining privileges, special access to exhibitions, and exclusive shopping discounts.
Sponsor – $60,000 and above
Partner – $40,000–$59,999
Leader – $25,000–$39,999
Benefactor – $15,000–$24,999
Associate – $7,500–$14,999
Friend – $3,000–$7,499
Methods of Payment
Check, payable to the WAH Center, mail to WAH Center, 135 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Paypal Invoice: send email at, we will send you a Paypal invoice
Planned Giving/Bequest
Members and friends may support The WAH center in a number of ways. The most common forms of giving are outright gifts of cash and securities, but there are other types of assets that may be donated as well and planned giving options that have favorable financial and tax benefits.
Today planned gifts are more important than ever to the WAH Center’s stability and future success. The term “planned giving” refers to any major gift that involves financial or estate planning. Such gifts can provide important benefits both to you and to the WAH Center. The different types of planned gifts include bequests, life income plans (charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts), charitable lead trusts, gifts of life insurance policies, and gifts of tangible personal property. The Williamsburg Circle is the recognition society for individuals who have chosen to make planned gifts to The WAH Center.
We would be pleased to work with you and your advisors to structure a gift that best fulfills your charitable goals. Before making a gift to The WAH Center, you should consult with your financial, tax, and legal advisors for a thorough analysis of your individual situation and the tax consequences and to decide which of these ways of giving might work best for you.
Many thanks to the following for their generous support:
Former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz
Former Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden
NYC Councilwoman Diana Reyna
Former NYC Councilman Ken Fisher
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
New York City Landmark Commission
New York Landmark Conservancy
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Brooklyn Historical Society
Brooklyn Arts Council
Consulate General of Japan
Consulate General of Denmark
Independence Community Foundation
Asian Cultural Council
Joseph W. Donnor Charitable Trust
The George Backer Family Foundation
Dorothy Levitt Beskind Foundation
New York Community Trust
Milton & Sally Avery Foundation
Fifth Floor Foundation
Peco Foundation
Gillespie Global
Signature Bank
Dime Savings Bank
Greenpoint Savings Bank
Brooklyn Brewery
Crest Hardware
Amarin Café
And numerous individual generous donors
Thank you Materials for the Arts
Special thanks to
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Former New York State Governor George Pataki
Thomas F. Schutte, President of Pratt Institute
Liz Koch, Office of the
Brooklyn Borough President
And many artists, volunteers, and community business people
WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center) • 135 Broadway, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY 11211 USA
917-648-4290 or 917-974-6096 •
©2021 Williamsburg Art & Historical Center

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